All applicants must agree that the decisions made by the Directors of the Arnold Anderson Sport Fund are discretionary and final (can take 4-6 weeks) and that no appeal exists from any decision to grant or deny the application. Further, it must be understood and agreed that the Directors of the Fund accept no liability to themselves or the assets of the Fund in the event of injury or damage resulting from participation in a sport made possible through money received from the Fund. Arnold Anderson Sport Fund is a charitable organization reliant upon community contributions. The applicants should be aware that the funds are limited and that all applications may not be funded. AASF will endeavour to respond to the requests based upon availability of funds. The decision of the "Funds Application Committee" will be final. I will ensure that the child applying for grant meets all commitments to the sport. I will contact the Arnold Anderson Sport Fund if my child chooses to discontinue the sport funded. I will permit the Fund's Application Committee to receive any further information they think is necessary to support this application. By completing this application, I authorize the Arnold Anderson Sports Fund to consult with my endorser or other relevant parties to this application such as the organization receiving payment for my child. I hereby agree that all information provided on this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and authorize the Arnold Anderson Sport Fund representatives to share this information with the organization or company that will receive payment for this child. I understand all information above is a requirement of Arnold Anderson Sport Fund and is submitted electronically as part of the requirement for funding from our partnered associations. All personal information is secured and protected as per the Arnold Anderson Sport Fund's Privacy Policy available upon request and will not be used for any other purpose than reference to the funding application and internal reporting