Brantford Harlequins RFC

2023 Contact registration open!
Please check your TeamApp as that is MASTER of Schedules, Events, Teams & Cancellations.
Currently training is:
U6 Rugby Skills / Rugby Training- Wednesday nights (Front Pitch)
U8 & U10's - Rugby Skills/Training Wednesday (Front) and House League Games Wednesday Night (Front)
U12 & U14's - Rugby Skills/Training Tuesday (Front) and House League Games Thursday (Front)
U16 & U18's - Rugby Skills/Training Tuesday (Women - Main, Men - Back) and House League Games Wednesday (Main - Both)
U18's - Additional session with Sr. COED on Thursday (Back Pitch) + U18 Girls (Optional) on their own if not wanting Coed.
Each organization is responsible for the content that appears in the sports portal. For the most up-to-date information please visit the organization website or contact them directly.