CrossFit Durst


IT ALL STARTS WITH PLAY - Using a combination of calisthenics, running, rowing, jumping, throwing, carrying, pushing, pulling, climbing and lifting (the stuff we all used to call ‘play,’) we get kids to LOVE exercise. We use age-appropriate skills, challenges, and loads. We challenge kids in a fun and progressive way and our groups are usually filled to capacity within hours of being offered.

A Typical Group Looks Like This:
1) Team-based warm-up
2) skill development (for instance, a Handstand, or a Pull-up, or a Rope Climb, or a Kettle Bell swing)
3) An individual challenge (for example, an obstacle course or series of exercises against the clock.)
4) cool down and review.

DURST TEENS: Ages 12-16, Cost: $285 +tax
Tuesday & Thursday 6:30 - 7:30 PM
April to June - Registration Opens March 15th
September to November - Registration Opens August 15th
January to March - Registration Opens Dec 15th

DURST KIDS: Ages 6-11, Cost: $180 +tax
Class Happens Sundays 11:15 AM-12:00 PM
April to June - Registration Opens March 15th
September to November - Registration Opens August 15th
January to March - Registration Opens Dec 15th

Each organization is responsible for the content that appears in the sports portal. For the most up-to-date information please visit the organization website or contact them directly.